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by-choice grave sites
You can choose these graves yourself. You can choose the location and size of the free grave sites. Another feature is that you can extend the term after the statutory rest period has expired. On the other hand, you are also responsible for the care and maintenance of the grave site.
by-choice burial sites are available for both burial and cremation.
Often these tombs are large enough to bury 2 or 4 deceased, occasionally even larger. They are then used as so-called family graves and passed on and extended across generations.
There are usually cenotaphs in all cemeteries.
We would be happy to advise you on choosing the right grave site. Arrange an appointment today.
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(+49) 030 470 666 66
in-line burial sites
In the case of rows of graves, the resting place is assigned in turn by the respective cemetery administration. As a relative, you have no choice as to the location in the cemetery.
Row burial sites are also available for both burial and cremation.
After the statutory rest period has expired, a row grave cannot be extended, and no further burials can be carried out in the same grave within the rest period.
In the case of the row graves, within the cemetery regulations, you have freedom of design as far as the gravestone and the planting are concerned, and you are equally responsible for the maintenance and care of the grave site.
Reinecke Bestattungen will be happy to advise you on choosing the right grave site for your individual needs.
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(+49) 030 470 666 66
Community graves are an advantageous alternative if, for various reasons, one is not able to take care of the grave yourself or if one is looking for a cheaper option than individual graves. There are two types of community graves: anonymous and semi-anonymous.
The anonymous community graves - also known as "Green Meadow" - are located in almost all municipal cemeteries. The urns are buried here one after the other and as soon as the field is full, grass is planted. The names of the buried persons are not given.
In the case of the semi-anonymous communal graves, the urns are also buried next to each other in the same order, but the buried persons are named and the grave complex is landscaped. The naming can be done, for example, by metal plaques on stone pillars or large stone plaques with names engraved. The horticultural design is implemented individually in each cemetery and is the responsibility of the cemetery administration and the commissioned garden center.
It is important to note that the cost of community burials can be higher than the cost of individual burials, but grave maintenance for the period of dormancy and landscaping are included in these costs. Overall, a community grave is a viable and stress-free option for those who cannot or do not want to take care of grave maintenance.
We at Reinecke Bestattungen will be happy to advise you and support you in choosing the right grave site.
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(+49) 030 470 666 66
tree burial sites
Tree burials have been a popular alternative to traditional burials in Germany for over 20 years. There is not only the well-known FriedWald GmbH, but also smaller burial forests that are operated by private companies or even by municipalities. The biggest competitor is the RuheForst GmbH.
Many cemeteries in Berlin now also offer the option of tree burial. Here you can choose between the natural surroundings of a burial forest and the convenience of a city cemetery with paved paths and a shorter journey. However, this decision should be carefully considered, especially in view of increasing age and possibly limited mobility.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about tree burials. Contact us at any time, we will be happy to advise you.
Phone 24/7
(+49) 030 470 666 66
Städt. Friedhöfe
Municipally Cemeteries
In Berlin there are both city (municipal) and church cemeteries.
Each district has its own cemetery administration, which takes care of the municipal cemeteries in the district. Within the administration there are employees who take care of administrative tasks, the provision of information and the drawing up of contracts for certain cemeteries.
What makes the municipal cemeteries in Berlin special is their uniform schedule of fees. Regardless of whether you buy a grave in the "Heidefriedhof" in Alt-Mariendorf or in the "Parkfriedhof" in Britz, the costs for identical graves remain the same. In addition, there are particularly well-cared-for community graves, which, depending on the system, require additional costs or an additional fee for the care of the grave by the commissioned garden center.
We would be happy to support you in your search for a suitable cemetery and advise you on all questions relating to burials.
Phone 24/7
(+49)030 470 666 66
Kirchliche Friedhöfe
Church-based cemeteries
In contrast to the municipal cemeteries, which are subject to a common fee schedule, it is up to the church cemeteries to set a corresponding fee schedule for the church cemeteries. Accordingly, there are sometimes significant differences in fees between individual cemeteries.
There are certainly church communities that have joined together to form administrative associations and whose administrative area includes several cemeteries, but as a layperson it is often not easy to find out which church community or church association manages a specific cemetery.
A special feature of the church cemeteries is that the community graves are always provided with a kind of attribution, completely anonymous graves have so far been rejected by the church. In addition, cemeteries are often better maintained than city cemeteries, reflecting the higher cost compared to city cemeteries. implemented with more staff.
We at Reinecke Bestattungen are happy to advise you on all questions relating to the various cemeteries.
Phone 24/7
(+49) 030 470 666 66
Besondere Friedhöfe
Special cemeteries
Berlin and Brandenburg are home to some notable cemeteries that house a variety of historical, cultural and artistic treasures.
One example is the Berlin-Weissensee Jewish Cemetery, which is the largest Jewish cemetery in Europe, covering an area of 42 hectares. Well-known personalities such as the writer Arnold Zweig and the architect Erich Mendelsohn rest here. The cemetery is also known for its impressive tombs and elaborate design.
Another gem is the Stahnsdorf Cemetery in Brandenburg, which at 200 hectares is the largest park cemetery in Europe. The cemetery is known for its numerous graves of famous people such as the painter Heinrich Zille and the architect Walter Gropius. It also offers an impressive collection of tombs, sculptures and mausoleums from different eras and styles.
The Dorotheenstadt Cemetery in Berlin is another special cemetery that serves as the final resting place of many well-known personalities such as master builder Karl Friedrich Schinkel, actress Helene Weigel and book printer Ernst Theodor Litfaß. The cemetery is also known for its artistic tombs and sculptures.
These cemeteries are not only places of farewell, but also important cultural and historical sites worth visiting. They offer an insight into the history and culture of the region and are an important part of our heritage.
At Reinecke Bestattungen in Berlin we will be happy to advise you on all questions relating to cemeteries.
Phone 24/7
(+49) 030 470 666 66
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