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Funeral Arrangements

Less to worry!

A funeral plan offers the opportunity to plan and secure your own funeral during your lifetime. You can decide for yourself how you want to be buried and how much it will cost. In this way you can ensure that your own funeral is carried out according to your own ideas and wishes.


The advantages of funeral arrangements are obvious: on the one hand, it relieves the bereaved of organizational and financial burdens. On the other hand, disputes and ambiguities regarding the burial can be avoided.


A further advantage is that a funeral plan also gives you the opportunity to limit the costs of the funeral and to protect yourself against cost increases in the future. A funeral plan can therefore also be regarded as financial security.


Reinecke Bestattungen offers you various options for financial security. For example, you can take out death benefit insurance with IDEAL Versicherung. In the event of death, this insurance assures you of a fixed sum that can be used to finance your funeral.


Alternatively, you can pay the specified sum for your future burial into an escrow account. The money is kept safe here and will only be used to finance your funeral in the event of your death.


Determine now what your funeral should look like and relieve your relatives. With us you can conclude a pension contract and specify individual wishes in order to avoid any conflicts. We will be happy to advise you and together we will find the best solution for your needs. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about funeral arrangements and make you an individual offer.

Phone 24 / 7
+49 30 470 666 66

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